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break wind
To expel intestinal gases throught either end, the mouth or the anus (belch or fart). This expression has been in use since at least the 16 th century. See fart for synonyms.Quote: William Shakespeare. The Comedy of Errors (1591): ' A man may break a word with you, sir, and words are but wind / Ay, and break it in your face, so he break it not behind.'
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break face
break her leg above the knee
break in the balls
break like a shotgun
break luck
break one off
break one's elbow at the church
break open
break open the pie
break out in a rash over
break somebody in
Break the ice
break the news
break the seal
break the sound barried
break up
Breakbeat hardcore
Breaker, Breaker!
breakfast in bed
breakfast nook
breakfast of champion
breaking luck
breaking news
breaking wind
break her leg above the knee
break in the balls
break like a shotgun
break luck
break one off
break one's elbow at the church
break open
break open the pie
break out in a rash over
break somebody in
Break the ice
break the news
break the seal
break the sound barried
break up
break wind
break wind backwardsBreakbeat
Breakbeat hardcore
Breaker, Breaker!
breakfast in bed
breakfast nook
breakfast of champion
breaking luck
breaking news
breaking wind